Walking Out, Moving Mountains:


I met a Buddhist monk once. I knocked on the door of Camden Temple. He couldn’t look me in the face.”No women!” he shouted. The door slammed.

I knocked again, he answered, “go to Philly and learn from the English Buddhist they will receive you.”

I explained “but I’m here to see David.
David told me to come.”

The Buddhist bowed with many apologies. Bowing still, he opened the door. I walked into the prayer chamber. The OM before me was overwhelming. The Buddhist resumed their prayers, as David and I greeted one another.

David sat down with me. As I confessed my hearts desires for coming. I wanted answers. I wanted to know more. I sat there pregnant and all. In a small wooden chair. The air was filled with rice and curry. The OM illuminating. I took it all in.

I told David, recently I’ve been kicked out of a church. They had to let us go. When I say us, I mean my husband and me along with my two-year-old daughter. Now I’m not coming here to say we are right, oh so righteous by no means. I have many faults.

The church acted in their best interest. I believe at the time. They weren’t out to hurt anyone. Nor stop us from attending service. It’s just my husband was the pastor and me the wife. Well, they couldn’t afford to pay him anymore. I thought they went about it the wrong way.

David replied, “no one is wrong and no one is right.”
“It just is.”
I repeated, “it just is.”

I replied,” but he was willing to Pastor for free and
after four years of serving this community that’s it huh?”

He said, “And so you must let it be.”

I paused. Tried to take it in.
Pushing David, “so what do you mean?”

He replied “let it. Be.”
“but,” I said
“I feel like I got put out of the church”. What a slap in the face!” A punch in the gut!
“That’s never supposed to happen.”

David stood up and return with a book from Eckart Tolle “A New Earth”

He answered:
“Once you’d allowed the pain you feel to pass.
Once you’ve given over to God the hurt.
Please don’t wear it, don’t swallow it.
Suffering will consume you. If you resist.
You must be still.”

I quieted myself, as David walked away from the table.
He said a mouth full. This time, he returned to explain further.

The chanting you hear, the kneeling you see.
It’s not for show. It’s for the suffering.
The path of allowing. Stillness.”

I soon thanked him for meeting with me. More quietness filled the room. After listening to the chanting and prayers for a while. I left quietly.

I still think about this special time. If I hadn’t been put out of that church. I would have journeyed on as usual. I wouldn’t have reason to seek out more divine answers. Or hear the OM. So now, when I experience suffering, I try and be still. I can’t say I’m successful. Nor have I mastered letting go.

What I am saying, that no “blaming part”, the monk shared with me. I carry that.

In their path, the church was right.
I am no god/no judge/ no jury.

And all the unanswered things/like people being shot in the churches. Innocent lives lost. I don’t have the answers. I do know, there is much suffering.

I know, I will not allow it to consume me. I pray for the hurt of this world. I know that’s not what God intended. No matter how doubtful it may seem.

I know, I’m not in control, so this too, I’m learning to let it be.
God has the final say over the earth. I believe we’re all capable of letting the hurt out once in a while.

Allowing love in a little more~your kindness sister Krissy Mosley

(it’s been six years, I’m just coming into courage/to share this)

17 thoughts on “Walking Out, Moving Mountains:

  1. rhcwilliams

    Here’s why I missed this post from the other day, Krissy: God knew I needed it now. After midnight, early Sunday, when the past comes creeping! 🙂
    “Once you’ve given over to God the hurt.
    Please don’t wear it, don’t swallow it. ”
    Right on time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. StormieSteele

    The thing about the quiet-it allows its practitioners almost instant release/escape. Although understanding the why’s may not be so clear, the quiet is powerfully convincing. Thank you for sharing Krissy🤗❤️🙏🏽

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rosaliene Bacchus

    Krissy, this is an old post that I’ve come upon, by chance. But I don’t believe in chance. Your story brought me to tears. “And so you must let it be.” It has been a great struggle for me to deal with the divisiveness, suffering, and injustice that’s tearing us apart as a nation. “Let. It. Be.”
    Thanks for sharing. Blessings ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. apoet'svisionKrissy Post author

      Yes indeed, I’m totally in awe of you finding this one! WOW! Neither do I – “no chances” this was purposeful finding. Same here, the injustice everywhere is just that & it has removed the blinders, for the work ahead & twice as much to “let it be” thank you so much, for your kind words to me – here am I can’t believed I shared my hurt awhile ago’ and now soaking up these crumbs of goodness on the page blessing right back to ya’ Rosaliene

      Liked by 1 person


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