Beauty for Ashes:


often down the road of memory
traveling to questions. I won’t know the answers.
Take one…

millions of millions
filled with discretion.

their smiles are down
twisted, contorted versions
of themselves

sanctuary, primarily
seated in confined spaces.

take two…
Life is so darn-humbling
transforming pain into
journey- made

turning water to wine
blind man to see
leopards are walking to Jesus

tell me, all that I am
if we go, who’s to say
and if we stay…

Raise me from the dead
rolling away stone

Take three
God and the father,
Holy Spirit,

Take me
put it all right,
something I can’t see

a heart will grow
a spirit to believe,
and it all works out in the end
and it all works out in the end~Kindness sis. Krissy

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