Hello: Said The Sun To the Moon

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Looking out at the east of the river,

the roaring blue waves approaching,

I sensed the depth of the sun’s golden heat narrowing down in the sheer coldness of the morning. The taste of times in stillness. The waves beating out the salt of ocean. Slapping the bank with the tide.

The void of loneliness, is there. The unwanted worries are there. Opened wounds are there- carried in the emptiness of the morning.

The moon and sun are met together, one saying hello and another replied “so long.” “Until next time. Til we are met together- side by side”

A silver of light peeks through.

One sliver light after the another.

Turning tables of the morning

human souls ablaze

tipping hats in kindness

kicking the ache of the soul,

satisfying goodness,

with nourishment, softened by each tip,

then a human-smile, is born in gold.

kindness. sis Krissy

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