Monthly Archives: June 2016


dawingGolden laughter so high,

I’d rest a while -beaming in the dusty haze;

we’d see sun’s shadow and dance.

Before too long, my make up run- right into me.

My feet never felt the ground shake like this.

Ooo-wee, my hips have a mind of their own.


Evening skips along freezing time.

Nothing can compare – foggy cedar tryst

Suede Mocha, pecan pie

dark chocolate lover,

sweet butter,

Homemade banana pudding

Nanna’s Jamaican’ hands are singing.

And we not going home til- the morning comes. 😉


Send Me

I was made in Celestial trans

vividly awakened.

It was the songs of wind.

It was the songs of joyous – meetings.

It stirred my sap,

connected my lions in realms beyond skies.

And what I remember –  a holy love,

cultivated greatness – here I am,

I’ll go.