Monthly Archives: June 2023

Dear Ancestors: to be continued…

Come home/ awaken-awaken dear ancestor, we miss you. Oh how we pray for you, oh how we wanted you  to dance in the ways of your  cider and be taken aback/ by the deep -deep freedom lying in your bones, and your bones will whisper over and over to you

Dear Ancestors, spirit,  you are the storyteller of vibrancy that has awakened. A holy love/ I am moved by you. In this moment you have awakened, my ancestor that was always you.

 I pray that you believe in you today. I pray your soul opens, to the tiny threads that lifts you, and calls your soul close… your poet Krissy to be continued all rights reserved 2023

On The Other Side of Through:

when i think of all of the ways of i could have given up,

i could have told the world goodbye,

somehow i survived, the wayward June-bugs hopping into hopelessness,

somehow i mounted up the courage to face days i possibly didn’t love me,

i don’t know how , i made it, but

i did~ your Poet Krissy