Monthly Archives: March 2015


Inside my dreams

I will always be the twirling ballerina

Watering the curly sides of my wasteline

Inside of times ageless eyes

I’m a just a tiny girl

growing up to be the baddest superhero!

I’m just a girl taking on the world

In and out of motions suppressed

I’ll practice my line,

I’ll sing my tune

and dare any man “to play me for the fool!”…

Love’s Tree

                   Inflamed earthquakes

                   Invisible to my cry

                   I saw love tenderly tending,

Exchanging her life for me

I saw love marching to a lovers’ drum

I saw love hanging between two thieves

With vinegar stained lips

“The Temple’s Veil” torn in two

“Forgive them,” that’s what I saw love do!


Beauty to sing loudly in the shower

Beauty, more than pretty lips and satin sheets

Beauty,the bell of gratitude

Beauty is old age

Beauty to risk it all

Beauty, the will to help someone

Beauty, the strength of an eagle

Beauty, the courage to live

Beauty is forgiveness without revenge

Beauty, tiny steps of boldness

“Think of all the beauty left around you and be happy”-Anne Frank

As suggested by my good friend please check her out themissiontomars “Love in ten” was so inspiring we couldn’t stop the creative juices. Their are so many talented Artists here on WordPress.

After the “viral love” that almost kept us infected all these days, here I am glad to bring  another “virus” to throb the hearts once again till the end of March as with the help of my dear friend  themissiontomars the challenge is to write ten sentences on “Beauty” and each sentence to have “six words” one of which must be “beauty” and ending it with a favorite quote on “beauty“Also to nominate your friends to participate and spread the “virus“.

So I hope you are up for the fun:






Beautiful Insanity


Nezra’s Opiate


Mercy Seat

In the attic my sanctuary
under the mercy seat
enchanted voices blossom
I hear you calling me, through the gates of praise
                             Into the holies of holies
                             I’ll find me,here I stand,
                             I belong with you,
                             No more excuse,I laid it down
So here I stand under the mercy seat,
you are my only guide ,my inner source
you in me and I in you


Sometimes, I make life so complicated. Following the stream, makes me grow. Instead of banging my head against the river- bed. I am learning, just be-easy. It’s freaking-that simple, be-easy. Life is full of fun -surprises, and who doesn’t want to have fun!

When I look around and see, warm sunshine, green grass and the mud that makes little children dirty. I realize I’m okay, right here. This is the path that brings me laughter, that oh-ey gooey feelings, drizzling with chocolate and butterscotch ice cream. Okay,  back to that thing happening in my life. I’m  on “30 days of thankfulness” Just being easy with me and the rest will come.

No, I’m not always happy, I slip off into the why’s of life. Why did I leave the house with my house-shoes? Why are the kids so loud? Why is there a little flying nat, annoying the crap out of me? WHy , Why Why?

So these 30 days are stretching me, off my traditional rubber-band, paddling up stream.(i.e. fighting the waters like the dog that can’t swim)

I am learning to say “all is well ( or to hell with it -which ever works !).”

 Thank You John jjz3  “Stories in the Struggle”,  for this, jam-packed full, one Question. I am a great fan of your blog which is deeply moving and I love to laugh (real talk check John out here you for Nominating me for this Daydreamers Award. I’m not usually good at completing award nominations but I’m getting better. 


Tell us about something that is happening in your life right now that is really challenging you, making you stretch and grow?


  1. Thank the person who gave you the award – THANK yOU JOHN jjz3
  2. Complete the challenge they set you. (see below)
  3. Select a blog or blogs that you want to give the award to. The amount of blogs you select is unlimited!  (See my choices below.)
  4. Tell them about it and send them a challenge.
  5. Please include the rules in your post.

So in gratitude for John’s recognition of my blog, here are a few blogs I find intriguing and fun to read; which I nominate For The Daydreamers Award”  for blogs that are inspiring, creative, and/or funny…

And here is my question for these bloggers:  When was the best day of your life?


Ashley Blanco Speaks


STILL HERE -Langston Hughes

STILL HERE BY Langston Hughes- 1902-1967

I been scared and battered.
My hopes the wind done scattered.
Snow has friz me,
Sun has baked me,

Looks like between ’em they done
Tried to make me

Stop laughin’, stop lovin’, stop livin’–
But I don’t care!
I’m still here!

Langston Hughes

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