Monthly Archives: July 2018

Coming Out the Grave:



In moments unexpected, I surrender in gratitude. A final giving up, not as one that fights the air but I am thankful for all of it. For the seconds I felt hurt, defeated by a standard I alone had set.

For the years it has taken to love me.
To forgive me. To allow the old version of me fade.

To understand that through every hurt, and troubled waters.
There is a grace that leads and follows – besides the quiet sea.

The Master’s plan for my life.
Like a web, spun so seamlessly,
the naked eye cannot see.

So here I am…

I surrender in gratitude.
In harmony,

in workings unseen.
I surrender in faith, knowing something better awaits…

I surrender every plan sown.
I surrender the setback.
I surrender the step forward.

Where there was no vision.
Vision has come.

Where there was nothing to plant.
New seeds grow.

Where there once defeat.
I come out of the grave.
I come alive.

I surrender here and now this gratefulness to remain.~your Kindness sister Krissy Mosley