Monthly Archives: February 2021

Reading is Art Too: Books & More Books Please

I can’t say I have one favorite book , that’s just not fair to the many others. So charge it to my head & not my heart. This week I spent some much needed time reading.

  1. “For Colored Girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is Enuf” by Ntozake Shange
  2. To honor the late~ great Cicely Tyson Just As I Am (still working my way thru this one)
  3. “The Color of Law” by Richard Rothstein

God Holds Our Bones Together: Audio added

Prayer Poem by the author of this blog

to the God that holds our bones together, holds sanctuary in the soul,
while we are at times are broken, troubled waters, wells have run dry

Hear our prayers O God…
 allow us to put aside our pride allow this very prayer to suffice God you are my only  devotion you are our ultimate supply

must tell Jesus,  when the pounding ache, of our lives becomes too much, when the loneliness, of our prayers spill out 

We dare not bear these burdens alone

God bottled up precious tears for angels to touch

you shut up the mouths of darkness, you bring hatred to its’ knees, you catch us even when we fall,

“you are wounded for our transgressions,  bruised for our iniquities: the {h} chastisement for our peace rest upon him; and with his stripes we are made whole”
I must tell Jesus, Jesus alone, gathering the weary, lonely, downcast, down hearted touch all those who are bereaved 

God you are our devotion, you are our ultimate peace

sis, Krissy Mosley

On the Mountain

WOW!!  This is so powerful. Maren, such a beautiful leader& Poetess, I had to re-blog. Maren’s work, Check out her blog, there’s prayer in a poem and so much more…

Gifts in Open Hands

It’s often just a small detail in the shiny story
about Jesus and the mountain  –
getting to talk to folks
who have been gone a long time.

I would like Harriet Tubman, please,
that Moses
to walk and talk with me.
I want Langston Hughes,
dreams deferred in a still small voice.

Heck, I want Mark Twain,
Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson,
Susan B. Anthony, Cesar Chavez,
and Rosa Parks.

Not gone so long,
but our valleys want to eavesdrop
on John Lewis
and Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

I promise not to hold on
to these remarkable visitors –
(I gave up booth-building
a long time ago.)

My Mama wasn’t famous, of course,
though she laid down the law.
Her prophesies were the simple ones –
more snow or early spring,

and what would make a child happy.

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