Monthly Archives: October 2018

My Job Corps: Richard


I knew I owed you a thirst
that could permeate passion

just a student on the jobs of life

I heard you’re reaching around
I saw the destruction underway

the rippling punch, square in the face
but you got up

I watched you shift on the nose of dive
taste your own blood and survive
and nothing like that is squeamish

Then we found the scores on the tracks
Marksmen, darts in your back

I shouted for you,
went to bat for you.

Such a promise of the age
to lose and know deep-down

there is a winner, there is a thirst, there’s a winding-arm

I’m writing
what a drunken rage I’m in

A decapitation of a promise
stinking up the room, you not being here
So to students that cross the train
on the west side of the tracks

The thirsty souls drinking submission with
styrofoam cups filled with ambitions

Don’t lie down, life’s fights in your hands
drink those dreams like a winner

Spit out trying
Strike fear in the gut

Take the wind out and
prove them, you’ve gotta
right to be here~your kindness sister Krissy Mosley

God Cares, It’s The Little Things:


I believe it was about three Sundays’ ago. After worship service, I made a B-line for the sanctuary door. Worship service was okay. I walked away feeling a disconnect between my prayer life/ God/ and the congregational worship.

Maybe it was just me. Or maybe others could feel it too. The Praise team was wonderful, the music was great but then that longing came back to be in the presence of God. That unction, that God’s not finished with you and you need to get back in here quick.

However, with little time to slow down, I said a quick prayer like just me and you, God. Ashe.Amen…

Then I loaded the kids up in the car. Off we went onto the next mission, for Sunday Supper. As I made my way to the store, I could hear this humming in my ears. I couldn’t quite place the tune.

I soon found myself picking up the vegetables, to make a three bean soup. Standing in the check out line, I saw a beautiful pink, breast-cancer ring. I stared at the woman’s ring long enough until finally, I complimented her.

She replied oh’ thank you, here you go, pass it on.

I was stunned, my mouth dropped. As she gave me a hug and walked away.
I said in a whisper I didn’t mean for you to give it to me.
In response, she said, what is a ring if can’t be shared.
Immediately, I thanked her.

On my way to the car, I kept talking with God. God, what just happened? She literally handed me a ring off her finger. Just gave it to me. Why? Maybe it’s not for me to contemplate. Just accept all the tiny miracles both small and great.

The disconnect I felt earlier vanished. I was with God the whole time, rather God was with me and maybe this was a huge reminder God sees, God hears, and he has not forgotten the smallest of prayers. Amen

Excuse Me For A Moment:

In the fullness of stillness,
leaves on trees/calm
mist of morning/ cool

A seagull’s shrill

The earth wanders
round and round
forward and backward
bending and moving
up and down

A God-like still…

No stories/hindered
no burden/broken
no jabs to the body
no kindred boats

no yearnings,

as I close my eyes
taste smooth/light

just miles and miles/still~your kindness sister Krissy Mosley


Logged in my shoe was a rusty green pebble
knots/ along my walk/convinced me

I examined my story
lumps of newspapers under my arm
people don’t read them anymore

I’d walk out of a painted picture
onto the canvas,

I’d colored my shaved
head cherry-brown

Into the misty/staggered fog
scattered plans of a lifetime
A million calamities but they are mine.

They are my someday’s/ someday when the sunset
is crimson red and the wind is dry

Someday in the fullness of surrender
Someday plowing under red clay of Georgia Sky
Someday melting ice cubes in chandeliers
Someday, I’ve tasted glory
I’ve grown grey chasing persistence
standing at my highest peak

Someday I’ll watch my dreams blossom
into flowerbeds, bluebirds, and bluebonnets too

Someday I’ll look back
over that rusty green pebble
in my shoe

an undeniable whisper
it’s true~your kindness sister Krissy Mosley♥

Watching God:

One of these days you wanna find God
pull God out of Nowhere
sit with God on the furniture
wipe out cob-webs
sniff the blueberry trees
let the wounds/ widespread/open
the wounded whole world-open

crawl out of a hole/think I found God
sing an exploding prayer
blown down doors to be safe
carpets/the blood is fresh
altar/ our knees are there

satisfied we dare not drum
over death/the student that did
not make it home/
the mother scrapping cans to feed
the preacher/ preach out empty seats

One of these days when you find God
you’ll know


Dear bravery, maybe I’ve quieted you over the years. When I was a little girl, I felt invincible. There was nothing I wouldn’t try twice. Flying for me was a metaphysical mystery. I owned it.

Perhaps it is power/courage/heart racing/ God-chasing/can’t stop/won’t stop/ I’m not tired yet/hold my breath/come up for air swinging/life-changing,
bravery~your Kindness sister Krissy Mosley

When The Media Comes Knocking:

They’re hungry always have been. They drink with their sponges in tongues at the ready. Touched/curled matches made in gossip.

Shut up! You/you don’t know.

I had two hearts. Gave up the first in solid/ frozen waters, I wanted to live.
In a place, I called alone. I needed to survive. In people who had no thought
of the next burden/ the next meal/ the next fight.

I had two worlds the one like breadcrumbs/hard/stale/burden/unsatisfied. The taste of another/fresh/oven-filled aroma on our little house.

Sweep a whisper on paper skies. Be the magic or miracle you get to decide.
Write it on newly chopped paper.

I’m better now.~your Kindness sister Krissy Mosley

Dear Misery,

Dear misery, you almost had me. I looked up and there you were circling, trying to rent the space in my head. I let out a sigh. You edging your way up, my torn pantyhose as I made my way to service this morning. Again as the head usher stepped over my toe with my good shoes. I almost let you in. While the children passed notes during worship, in my shallow attempt to be seen as If I had it all together.

I almost said yes, but you renting space ain’t good. You cost too much, eat too much, take my good thoughts and twist them. Put my good ways out on the street. Manipulate/suffocate/underestimate me into believing that I could be anything more than what I am.

I got news for you, not this time.~your Kindness sister Krissy Mosley

Unstuck: “Lucy We’ve Got Things To Do”

Sometimes it's the little things

This is the day I said I needed to get unstuck.
I just wasn’t sure how so I made a cup of coffee. Looked my morning over, saw the fly stuck on the window. The morning-frost pressing into steam. Took a breath for good measure. Mentally stuck, emotionally drained and then it hit me more like I stumped my toe on the corner my chair.

Boy did that hurt, throbbing and hopping around. I could have called it a bad day, my morning ju-ju out of sorts. It’s kinda funny, although tell that to my pinky toe.

My Unstuck List Day:

1) Play my favorite Comedy Love Thy Neighbor by Tyler Perry
that Ms. Hattie is super hilarious or I love Lucy(oldie but goodie)
2) Eat Cholate (hey it helps)
3) Keep Writing
4) Work on my goals and check off lists
5) It’s Friday whoo we’ve made it through another week (live a little more)

Hey, if I do three out of five that will be miraculous.
And if you’re taking out time to read this you’re magnificent

P.S. I don’t know if I’m unstuck or not but this felt good. Writing my feelings down and face it.~your kindness sister Krissy Mosley

Another Time Such As This:

Sparrows on the gate
forklifts plowing

chisel rock apartments
sounds of souls

deported/ untold

knocking rivers together
fears in our prayers
tears in our sleep

sojourn in skin
taste the prayers in the river
salt it out/melt out the colors of Ivory/Jasper/Jade

As long as it takes:
A garden to be born
A song to be merry
A love to keep
A sky to break
A soul to grow
~your Kindness sister Krissy Mosley