Monthly Archives: April 2020

Resurrected Hope — praypower4today

[Note: The following is a collaboration between Krissy Mosley of Visionarie Kindness and Lori Strawn of Praypower4Today. Krissy’s words are in bold; Lori’s in regular type.] In the deep dark depths where lost things go Outside, at the bottom of ourselves three steps down before the sidewalk begins where the heartbeats are faster against the […]

Resurrected Hope — praypower4today

If you want to keep reading click the link above and experience “Hope with us”

Things I’ve taken for Granted

And just like that I’d missed another day arriving far away from my knowing. I was so busy, doing nothing, so busy running into myself, turning around in dog tails, wagging in place. Panting, with my ear touching the cold floor, that held me down for a little while. Tile, black chalked lines, this is the memorial for leisure. Nowadays, when the sun is out and I’m shut in. When the wind desires to pick me up and take me for a spin. I won’t say no,

this is the memorial… I should have said yes.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

kindness sister Krissy