Monthly Archives: March 2019

God is Not a Murder:

On the other side of growing up
I didn’t realize until I started
having meditative- contemplative
meetings with my mind
There I was getting to be 40 more real- 35
on the side stuck this little green-gullible girl
a rebel,
afro-mellow, drama-free
non-double jointed walker.
Believing humans made God out-to-be a murder
but I knew God would never kill
it wasn’t in his nature
to subject the thing God loves the most
with punishment and cruelty
Let’s clear God’s name
let’s stand presently accountable
for things heinous, unspeakable and inhumane,
the God I know, would never “cast the first stone”
and so it would seem it may take me the next 40 years
to understand God and 40 more to understand why we
did nothing.
Then I realized man…

Man has always wanted to be God.
Swivel side to side, sit on top of golden glass pretending to
make the sunrise, cause the moon to descend, make rainfall and feed every green bird and tree.
but God in a gentle laugh, holds us tightly in one hand and galaxies in the other, knowing
how it all ends, and how it all began.~kindness krissy

Happiness On The Inside

The things that make me happy are not material.
They are the sheer joy of children playing wild and free
They are The glowing lights when street turn quiet
They are small ideas that bring a fresh perspective
They are learning from every adventure
and knowing when one door closes

there are thousands, of open doors right in front of you~Krissy Mosley

You’re Already Love:

And sometimes you feel,
you’re losing your children to the monsters you can’t see
the secrets tip softly, against a myriad of quicksand
our ears pick out palpitations of the heart

retroactive, our hips spin out-of-socket
overactive commotion, back then we waited to tell you,
lifted you, held the darkness at bay

prayed you’d be better, anything better than what we became.
loving you, felt like a gentle moonlight pressed against a cold-hearted world
and constantly, we prayed that you feel love,

when breeze crawls upon your skin, may you feel love
when you climb the highest mountain with sweat and you watched a thousand sunsets
after- all, you’ve spent seems to be in vain,

I pray you know, you can come home
to a love that’s always waiting, always here
always ready to love you~kindness sis Krissy

Can’t Imagine A Better Love:


As the world evolves into stranger places

the stranger things are us, learning ourselves from the inside

breaking the blood of the broken

life is so humbling and I even can’t explain this feeling

when mountains move, mud collapses, there is no bottom

At 3:04 am the cry of the soul brought them closer together

tethered ropes of iron prayers,

Anybody tell you its okay to lose? All that’s worth losing

Anybody tell you fight because you smell death coming

ain’t it something to share a love like that

share a shameful burden, on a thing like that,

the psyche behind love in its vastness, loving all that’s left, tearing through the verse of this poem, loving the things that are forgotten, loving them when they refuse,  A kilt of love that’s tender,  A love that bends,  A infinite psyche of love that has no end.~Kidness sis. Krissy






Tides of Appreciation:

A Pinch of the pressure, on things I’ve seen

a subtle heat on madness – losing sight

and you’d wish you’d gone blind

I’d give you my  eyes-  you’d appreciate the mad

turning off the skylight, turning off the machines,

this is meant to be my year

I lost my father to appreciate, all lost fathers, while kicking and screaming -demo beaming, but I had a mother to appreciate beating cancer.

losing her legs to appreciate

walkers, wheelchairs, sturdy canes, nurses walking by her side

I had three kids to appreciate all that was good when evil came.

I’ve stepped right outside inside in the middle of March, to herd that winter air at negative seven degrees, to appreciate a small hint of sun crawling up my skin

Eyes are closed, mouth is closed – maybe now to appreciate breathing

I feel like Writing:

“The peace that passeth all understanding” and grace to make you feel like home

Country roads are fields with stillness, the most- merciful trees

and though I’ve kept myself hidden in thunderous clouds.

Lampshades are burning and streets light make its final hum.

From the days of fading pictures, laundry on the kitchen table, kids, roaming backward stepping over all the cracks.

Do you want cereal for breakfast? Or heat up that leftover apple pie.

I answer only to steal away the sorry, of the something we left behind.

Dusting off the old table, trickling tears of love. I hear mama, like God,

and she said it’s alright anyhow.

There are days I wish to see it, hold all those lives in my hands, me and mama

God, glue us all together, pasty, smashed hearts still waiting for love.  still crawling through the darkness, still breathing in the country stale-cold air, and knowing all along this is home.~Kindness sis Krissy